Moravian Star

The Moravian Christmas Star shines in houses and churches during Advent. It symbolises the biblical message that Jesus Christ is the light of the world.

Originating about 200 years ago in a boarding school of the Moravian Church, the Moravian Star is considered the origin of all Christmas stars. At the beginning of the 19th century, the first star was made of paper and cardboard shone, invented by an educator in mathematics class. There it initially served to teach a better understanding of geometry. From then on, children made their own stars for the 1st of Advent and carried this custom into their families. To this day, it is a nice tradition to celebrate Advent and Christmas with a Moravian star.

100 years ago, a manufactory was established in Herrnhut to produce the stars. These Moravian stars from Herrnhut in various colours and sizes for indoors and outdoors can be ordered from the office of the Moravian Church in Switzerland.

Herrnhuter Sterne auf dem 571. Dresdner Strietzelmarkt

Herrnhut Stars

With this form you can order the Herrnhut Stars. Please fill out the form below. You will receive the invoice by mail. We normally ship only within Switzerland.

(without illumination)
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Documentary: "A star for the world"